School History
1954, wrzesień
Meeting of Rev. Dr. Tadeusz Nagengast, Mrs. Wanda Buska and Mrs. Janina Jankowska-Zygiel.
The decision was made to organize a Polish school.
1954, 9 październik
The first classes were held in the Polish House, provided by the Polish-Canadian Society. The older group was taught by Mrs. J. Zygiel, the younger group by Mr. W. Buska. About 80 children signed up.
1955, May
Pierwsza akademia szkolna. Dzień Matki. "Szkółka" nabiera uznania w oczach Polonii.
Pierwsze zebranie rodziców. Ustalenie opłaty za szkołę, wynagrodzenia dla nauczycieli oraz przyjęcie nazwy: Szkoła Polska im. Henryka Sienkiewicza.
1955, summer
Scout and school colony at the rectory of Rev. Prelate Józef Kochan on Flat Lake.
1955, September
A kindergarten is established, run by Mrs. Zofia Lukasiewicz.
Pani W. Buska rezygnuje z pracy w szkole. Zaczyna prace p. Maria Chrzanowska. Przedszkole prowadzi
p. Stefania Wawrzynowska.
1960, February 19
Powstaje Komitet Rodzicielski. Pierwszą przewodniczacą zostaje Pani Hanna Bednarska.
1963 - The school principal, Mr. Andrzej Kupski, together with members of the Congress, develops the SCHOOL STATUTE and REGULATIONS.
Mr. Andrzej Kupski returns to Poland. Management is assumed by Ms. Maria Chrzanowska.
1965, 13 wrzesień
Mr. Michał Jędrasik initiates the formation of a dance group at the school.
The dance group was handed over to Mr. Zbigniew Filipowski.
1965, September 13
Mr. Michał Jędrasik initiates the formation of a dance group at the school.
First course for teachers in Kashubia, Ontario.
5 people were delegated from Edmonton.
Youth meeting from Alberta on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of FRYDERYK CHOPIN.
1972, September
The school receives premises in
Arrival of the Sisters Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Edmonton.
2nd National Canadian Teacher Training Course.
Siostry Służebniczki NMP rozpoczynają pracę w szkole.
25th anniversary of the school. Publication of the Songbook for children and youth in the YEAR OF THE CHILD.
The school becomes a member of AELTA, later NAHLA, currently IHLA.
Introducing amendments and changes to the SCHOOL STATUTE and REGULATIONS.
School participation in the sports festival organized by AELTA.
Introduction of the bilingual (English - Polish) John Paul II curriculum
in an all-day school (currently St. Basil School).
Ks. Dr Teofil Szendzielarz organizuje przy szkole Młodzieżowy Klub Dyskusyjny, który następnie prowadzi
o. Mieczyslaw Fidyka OMI.
Mrs. Maria Chrzanowska resigns from her job at the school
(after 31 years). The school management is taken over
Ms. Alicja Stasiak-Teletynska.
1987, October 27
A school student, Magdalena Tomczak, dies a martyr's death.
1988, October 21
Introducing the following changes
The number of children at the school exceeds 300. During the year the school is directed by Ms. Bogumila Szulc.
1990, September
In the southern part of the city, a second Saturday Polish school named after Maria Chrzanowska is being established.
Introduction of Teachers' Day celebrations with the participation of three Polish schools in Edmonton.
1992, June
As part of the Children's Day celebrations, the Parents' Committee brings a Krakow actor with a performance of "Winnie the Pooh". An invitation to a joint performance of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts from Edmonton troops.
Establishment of the Edmonton Branch of the Polish Teachers' Union (the core members are teachers from our school).
1994, maj
Mother's Day. Polonia could watch the verbal and musical montage at school, after the meeting of the Polish-Canadian Society in the Church of the Holy Rosary or hear it on the radio in the "Angelus of the Lord" broadcast.
1994, October 15
Joint school and scouting banquet at the Polish House
on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the scout school and scouts
in our city. Exhibition of the achievements and history of the school.
1994, October 22
First place in the collective recitation category in the recitation competition organized by the Federation of Polish Women in Canada.
1995, January 27
On the initiative of the Parents' Committee, a charitable organization, the Society of Friends of the Polish School, was established.
1995/1996, grudzień
Credit Rate (until mid-June), for the first time
in our school.
Mr. Andrzej Proczkowski will take over the duties of the school principal until the end of the year.
1998, September
The school principal, Ms. Alicja Stasiak-Teletynska, is once again handing over the functions of the school principal.
Mr. Andrzej Proczkowski.
1998, December 2
Funeral of Mrs. Alicja Stasiak (ten-year school principal).
Sponsoring of the Alicja Stasiak Challenge Cup for exemplary student attitude and involvement in school life by the Parents’ Committee.
2000, February 26
Recitation and art competition for Polish children
on the occasion of the Millennium. The prizes were funded by the Parents' Committee.
2000, October 31
Registration of the Henryk Sienkiewicz Polish School Parent Association in Alberta
(former Parents' Committee).
School participation in the recitation and art competition organized by the ZNP Edmonton Branch and the Magda Tomczak Children's Aid Foundation.
2001, June 30
Kierownikiem szkoły zostaje mianowana p. Krystyna Dembowska.
2001, September
The school moves to Archbishop MacDonald Catholic High School.
2001, September
Ninth grade introduced for the first time
to the entire program.
2001, September
Increased study time: from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
2001, December 24
Approval of the statute of the Henryk Sienkiewicz Polish School Parent Association.
2002, luty
Zabawa Walentynkowa pod nazwa "Nasze serduszka dla Babci i Dziadka" dla wszystkich dzieci z Polonii.
2004, March
Participation in a recitation competition organized by the Federation of Polish Women, Branch No. 3 and the Magda Tomczak Children's Aid Foundation.
2004, September 25
Reunion 2004 at the Veterans' Home.
2004, November 6
Bankiet 50-cio lecia szkoły.
School achievements
Martyna Stryjski, an eighth-grade student, won third place in the prestigious, international Sienkiewicz Competition in Sosnowiec, Poland;
two students won the winners' awards, i.e. a trip to Poland – "the trip of a lifetime";
Several times
first and second places (including a trip to Poland) for students as winners in the "Being Polish" competition;
zakwalifikowanie się uczennicy kl. 5 do reprezentowania Kanady w Konkursie Recytatorskim „Słowem Polska”;
udział 8 osób (nauczyciele i członkowie KR) w XVI Zjeździe Nauczycieli Polonijnych i Komitetów Rodzicielskich Ameryki Północnej w Toronto;
2 pierwsze nagrody w 53 Konkursie Recytatorskim organizowanym przez Fundację im. Wł. Reymonta
w Kanadzie- wyjazd do Polski;
Other achievements
Increase in teaching hours (3.5), creation of grade 9 and then secondary school grades (10, 11, 12)
with the possibility of granting loans for the Polish language;
Polish 15 - 5 credits, Polish 20 - 5 credits, Polish 25 - 5 credits on the certificate
matriculation examination;
Obtaining the status of an "Accredited School" and registering it with the "Private Schools in Alberta" Department.
On-site teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic!